Marriage is one of life’s greatest blessings. A marriage done right can bring joy to the soul like few other things in this world.
But anyone who’s been married for any length of time knows it’s also hard!
Two imperfect people trying to do life together in an imperfect world is bound to present some challenges.
And when those difficulties come, where do you turn? There’s no lack of information in today’s tech savvy world, but what marriage resources are reliable and trustworthy?

It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the endless supply of advice readily at our fingertips. And a whole lot of that information is fabulous.
But it’s impossible to take it all in. So, I’ve narrowed down the choices to a few of my favorites.
These people and organizations make it their mission to strengthen marriages and families. And while they each bring something different to the table, they’re all excellent resources for Christian couples.
Five of my favorite marriage resources…
Family Life
Help for today. Hope for tomorrow.
Our mission is to effectively develop godly marriage and families who change the world one home at a time.
Family Life
Family life was founded in 1976 as a ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ. And they’ve been growing ever since.
They host many different events such as the Weekend to Remember marriage getaway and Love Like You Mean It marriage cruise.
My husband and I attended a Weekend to Remember early in our marriage. It was a fabulous investment into our relationship.
Family Life also has several podcasts including Family Life Today and Married with Benefits. They even have a ministry for blended families, a blog, and multiple other helpful resources.
I receive their weekly emails and never fail to be encouraged by their insight into marriage and family life.
Focus on the Family
Helping Families Thrive.
Our mission is to cooperate with the Holy Spirit in sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with as many people as possible by nurturing and defending the God-ordained institution of the family and promoting biblical truths worldwide.
Focus on the Family
Focus on the Family was founded in 1977 and is now a well-known organization supporting Christian families.
They offer a variety of marriage resources including the Hope Restored marriage experience, Focus on the Family marriage podcast, and Focus on the Family magazines.
They have other helpful sources of information like apps, radio theatre programs, and films.
I’ve personally used Focus on the Family to find reliable movie reviews, books on marriage and parenting, and radio programs on multiple different topics.
Marriage Today
There is a fierce battle being fought for marriage in America right now, but we can win it. We want to raise the standard. We want to give people help and hope to succeed in marriage.
Marriage Today
Marriage Today was founded in 1994 and is probably the most “marriage-focused” resource on the list.
Their XO marriage conferences are hosted in different locations around the United States, but they also offer an at-home streaming option. You can watch a conference live from the comfort of your own house!
They also provide marriage counseling and coaching services. Their website includes many helpful articles and videos on marriage and family.
“Marriage on the Rock,” a book and video series on how to have a healthy and thriving marriage, was part of our pre-marital counseling. More than a decade later, I still remember and use principals I learned throughout that study.
Read “The Best Christian Marriage Advice I Ever Received“ for more Christian marriage help.
Living on the Edge
Helping Christians live like Christians.
Our vision is to be a catalytic movement of Christians living out their faith in ways that transform families, churches, and communities for the common good and the glory of God.
Living on the Edge
Living on the Edge was founded in 1995 as a radio ministry and has since grown into an international discipleship program. It offers help in several different forms, including podcasts on faith and family, small group studies, and books.
While this resource does touch on marriage-related topics, it also covers many different faith-based issues. But since these podcasts were very influential during the first few years of my marriage, I had to add this resource to my list.
(Be sure to check out of my full post about a life-changing piece of advice I received from a Living on the Edge broadcast.)
Fierce Marriage
Our mission is to point couples to Christ and commission marriages for the gospel.
Fierce Marriage
This husband and wife team have spent the last seven years spreading their message to readers around the world. They offer a blog, courses, and devotionals centered around the struggles and victories in their own relationship. They also host the Fierce Marriage Podcast.
Fierce Marriage is a new resource I recently came across when scrolling my Pinterest feed. I haven’t dived too deeply into their ministry yet, but I’ve been inspired by many of their articles and blog posts.

Your marriage is worth the investment…
This marriage journey is full of ups and downs, laughter and tears, victory, and defeat. For most of us, it looks nothing like what we imagined on our wedding day.
But perhaps that’s part of what makes it so beautiful.
A godly marriage can be one of the most powerful reflections of Jesus this world has to offer.
It’s an amazing story of sacrifice, perseverance, and unconditional love. And it’s absolutely worth every ounce of work it takes to make it successful.
These amazing marriage resources can show you how to live out marriage the way God designed it. They can help your relationship be an example of Christ to a world that needs Him more than ever.
Let’s get about the business of building strong families that will leave a legacy for generations to come!

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