Have you ever noticed God provides ample opportunity for practice in areas where you struggle?
I sure have!
Patience is my prime example.
Waiting on pretty much anything is difficult for me. And God has never failed to give me plenty of chances to work on my impatience!
Those experience have at times been simply irritating. Like when I always seem to pick the longest line at the grocery store.
But they’ve also been extremely frustrating. Like my long journey to find a husband. (Find that story here.)
And often heartbreaking. Like our story of infertility and miscarriage. (Read more here.)
But there’s one thing they’ve all had in common. They’ve built my faith and strengthened my character.
And taught me some powerful lessons on what to do while waiting on God.

What to do while waiting on God…
I’m a firm believer that experience is the best teacher. And since I’ve been trying to figure out a way to deal with impatience pretty much my whole life, I’ve learned a thing or two about how to wait well.
So, if you could use a few tips about what to do while waiting on God, you’re in the right place. Because here’s what I know for sure…
Waiting on God is rarely easy. But what He can teach you during those seasons of waiting is invaluable.
So, let’s get practical! How do you wait well on God’s timing? Here’s a few things I’ve learned in my life-long quest to a be a more patient person.
When waiting on God’s timing, one of the most important things you can do is stay connected to Him. This might sound simple. But it’s easy to pull away when you think God isn’t answering your prayers.
You can feel discouraged, frustrated, and hurt. And talking to the Lord may be the last thing you want to do.
But you can’t give in to those feelings.
Because seeking God is the only way to experience breakthrough in your situation. I can’t even begin to count the number of times that I went to the Lord during a season of waiting and poured out my hurts, doubts, and questions.
And He responded by giving me a supernatural peace that I desperately needed.
My prayers were almost never immediately answered. I was almost always still left waiting. But my heart was stilled and my soul comforted simply by seeking Him.
Spend more time in Scripture.
Reading your Bible can also become challenging during seasons of waiting. You might feel like closing God’s word instead of digging in deeper.
But if you’re searching for what to do while waiting on God, opening up your Bible more often is a must.
I’ve got to admit-this one’s hard for me. When faced with a problem, I tend to jump in and get to work. I keep myself busy and distracted with all the tasks I hope will bring a solution to my problems.
But I often forget that reading God’s word is a much better use of my time.
On the other hand, my husband is a great example of seeking the Lord wholeheartedly all the time. He doesn’t let a day pass without the Bible in his hands. And during difficult times (and especially when God is silent), he only digs in more.
He refuses to let the emotions of a situation or the frustrations of the moment keep him out of God’s word. And the Lord always rewards him with a strengthened mind and renewed focus.
(Check out these scriptures about patience to wait on God’s timing.)
Remember His faithfulness.
During seasons of waiting, it’s easy to forget what God has already done. We can become so focused on the lack of answer to our present prayers that we forget all the ways He’s come through for us in the past.
But remembering God’s faithfulness combats weariness and fills our hearts with hope for the future.
They’re a few different ways to practice this.
One thing I like to do is begin all my prayers with thanksgiving. No matter how difficult the situation in front of me or how silent God has seemed, I start each prayer with praise for something positive going on in my life.
We all have good things happening. And making yourself aware of those blessings is a surefire way to quickly change your attitude and shift your perspective.
Another practical application is journaling. If you’ve journaled in the past, looking back over what you’ve written about answered prayers is a huge faith-builder.
And if you’ve never journaled, a season of waiting may be the perfect time to start! Spend a little time reflecting on God’s faithfulness and then write out a few of those stories.
You’ll be amazed at how quickly you’ll be encouraged and humbled as you remember how He’s been at work in your life.

Act with expectation.
Waiting isn’t a time to do nothing. In fact, quite the opposite! It’s important to take intentional steps of faith while you wait on God to answer your prayers.
We experienced this first-hand as we walked through years of infertility and miscarriages when trying for a third child.
It was a difficult season to say the least.
And while we never knew if or when God would answer our prayers for another baby, we chose to take intentional steps of faith whenever we had the opportunity.
When it was time to buy another vehicle, we bought an SUV. A car (similar to what we’d had previously) would have been sufficient for our family of four.
But a smaller car wouldn’t work for the bigger family that was in our prayers. So, we chose to look forward with expectation to the future.
When we needed a new table, we refused to look at anything that seated less than six. We didn’t need that much space at the time. But we were looking ahead in hope of adding more seats to our dinner table someday soon.
During those four plus years of waiting on God, we made countless other smaller, but still meaningful choices that pointed towards our belief that our family would grow.
And finally…it did.
We’re currently getting ready to welcome our third little girl. She’s one of our greatest answers to prayer. And you can bet that SUV and kitchen table are ready and waiting for her.
Focus on the positive.
When considering what to do while waiting on God, keeping a positive attitude may just be one of the most difficult challenges you face. Especially if your season of waiting is a long one.
It’s incredibly easy to become discouraged and lose heart. It’s tempting to throw in the towel and give up on your dreams.
To find yourself spiraling down a rabbit hole of negativity and doubt.
And no one could blame you.
But while giving in to those feelings might make you feel better in the moment, it will do nothing for you in the long run.
In fact, dwelling on negative emotions will only make your situation worse.
Instead, you must make the choice to focus on the positive. And one of the best ways to do this is to get your mind off yourself.
Go out and do good for someone else. Whether it’s as simple as smiling at a stranger or as big as going on a short-term mission trip, find a way to serve others.
It’s guaranteed to lift your spirits and bring blessing at a time when you’re sure to need it.
Be present in the journey.
While waiting on God’s timing, it’s easy to get so focused on when and how He’ll answer your prayer that you forget to live in the present.
But I’ve discovered God is much more concerned with your growth throughout the journey than when you finally reach your destination.
If you spend all your time anxious about the future, it’s pretty hard to learn the important lessons He has for you in the here and now.
Do your best to stay tuned in to the ways God is currently working in your life. Be aware of how He’s growing your faith and shaping your character during your season of waiting.
Ask what He’s trying to teach you. Pray for discernment to see His hand at work. Because there’s almost always more going on than you realize at the time.
Know your time is not wasted.
God is full of purpose and intention. And time spent waiting on Him is never wasted.
There are countless different reasons why He doesn’t immediately answer the prayers of His children. Many of which we may never understand.
But one thing is guaranteed for everyone…God can use seasons of waiting in a powerful way. And they have the potential to change you more than the actual answer to prayer ever will.
Trust in God’s timing…
Waiting on God isn’t easy. In fact, some of the most difficult seasons in my own life have happened when God’s timing didn’t match my own.
Those situation were full of frustration, discouragement, and sadness.
Yet, those were also the times that I felt closest to God. He used those experiences to draw me to Him. To strengthen my faith, increase my hope, and prove His faithfulness.
Waiting wasn’t what I asked for. But it was exactly what I needed.
Only God sees the big picture of our lives. Only He has the ability to piece everything together for our good.
And in the end…only He has truly perfect timing.

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