Patience is a sought after and much needed character trait, but often difficult to master. At least for me.
I’ve heard and believe all the old proverbs. I recognize good things come to those who wait.
I know the journey towards reaching a long-awaited goal can sometimes be more enjoyable than the moment of achievement.
Yet I never quite manage to walk those truths out in my everyday life. Waiting with patience is a skill I seem to lack.

Patience isn’t part of my skill set…
I despise standing in line and rarely enjoy long car rides. I eat chocolate as quickly as I can get it out of the wrapper.
The satisfaction I gain from working through a complicated project almost never outweighs the joy of marking it finished.
While those are relatively small issues, I’ve also seen my impatience reflected in more sobering ways.
Like when my daughter is moving a little too slow for my taste and I snap at her to hurry up. Or when my husband is sharing important details about his day and my body language indicates a desire to get back to my current task.
I’ve even seen it revealed in interactions with complete strangers. I’ve caught myself tapping my fingers loudly or directing a pointed look at the store clerk responsible for a slow checkout lane.
My inability to wait with patience not only rears its ugly head in relationships with other people, but I’ve also seen it play out in my spiritual life. I’ve consistently struggled to trust in God’s timing.
Fortunately, God has often turned one of my greatest weaknesses into a reminder of his faithfulness, love and underserved grace.
When I think of the many ways God has used my struggles with patience to sharpen my character, my mind usually drifts back to a story from my dating years.
I had just met my future husband and to say I was impatient to see where the relationship would lead was an understatement.
Waiting patiently for God to send a husband my way did not describe my dating story…
I was nearing 30 before I met my husband. By that time, I had worked my way through multiple relationships.
I had watched most of my friends start families and was earnestly searching for the person I would marry. I was weary with the parade of failed relationships that always ended in disappoint and heartache.
My future husband and I met at a concert which led to lunch after church the next day. We sat and talked for hours that afternoon, seeming to hit it off.
I began to sense things might be different this time. Yet, I tried hard not to get too excited. I had experienced the pain of dashed hopes far too many times in the past.
While I trusted God would someday provide a spouse, I was afraid to once again put all my cards on the table.
On the other hand, the attraction was strong. I couldn’t help but think this might finally be my happily ever after.
As we said goodbye that afternoon, my future husband indicated he would be in touch. And so I waited. And waited. Then, I waited some more.
It was only a few days, but it might as well have been years.
Later I would find out he was giving me space. He would say he hadn’t wanted to come on too strong.
But at the time I didn’t know any of those things. I just wanted him to call. And he didn’t.
Read more about patience at “13 Verses About Patience in God’s Timing.”
Seeking solace…
One afternoon shortly after that infamous first encounter, I was feeling particularly down. To say I was struggling to wait with patience for him to contact me would have been an understatement.
I began to second guess my initial assessment of our time together. I started to believe the attraction was completely one-sided, he wasn’t interested, and I might never receive that phone call.
To put it frankly, I had worked myself into an anxious mess waiting to hear from him.
As I often do when feeling overwhelmed, I sought out a place in nature to be alone with God. There’s something about being outside in the middle of God’s creation and away from the rest of the world that brings peace like nothing else can.
I drove around that day looking for a place of solitude. This can be a difficult thing to find in the middle of the city, but my persistence paid off.
I found a deserted soccer field located in the middle of a wooded area. Far from the sounds of highway traffic or shopping centers, it was a perfect retreat for my anxious mind.
struggling to find peace…
I climbed out of my car and began to pace the field as I poured my heart out to the Lord. My best praying is usually done on the move.
I find it difficult to sit still without getting distracted. My mind and body prefer to be in motion, so that’s how I pray.
But on this day, I felt God encouraging me to have a seat. I made my way to the empty bleachers and sat down. My insides were in complete turmoil.
I repeatedly looked down at my phone to make sure I hadn’t missed a call or text. The blank screen stared defiantly back at me.
My heart was racing and my thoughts were tangled together in a web of emotions. Despite the tranquil setting, I was anything but peaceful. Yet as I sat there, an idea began to form.
A lesson in waiting with patience…
I realized it was my choice whether or not I let this situation turn me into a hot mess. If or when this man might call was beyond my control.
I had no idea if our encounter would turn into a meaningful relationship or be just another dead end. I had no say in whether or not he really did return my interest.
But I did get to decide how I let it affect me.
I took a deep breath and said a prayer. I told God I was going to sit on that empty bench, surrounded by His creation, until I felt his peace. Regardless of how long that took.
I made a conscious decision to let go of the situation and wait for my emotions to steady. I closed my eyes and took one deep breath after another. It took several minutes, but slowly I began to feel my countenance change.
As I released my anxiety, fear, and worry I felt his supernatural peace work its way into my heart. As difficult as it was to patiently wait for whatever came next, I knew trusting in God’s timing was the only way things would ultimately work out for my good.
So I sat and I waited. It seemed like I was in that little clearing for an eternity, but the payoff was worth it.
As I opened my eyes I felt complete peace flood through my body. It may have been a small victory, but it was deeply meaningful.
In that moment, I had learned how to wait well…
And then the most unexpected thing happened. My phone rang. I looked down at the small screen and there was the number I’d been waiting to see.
I literally laughed out loud. Before answering, I glanced toward heaven and said a quick thank you.
I don’t remember the conversation that came next. Obviously, it went well. Ten years and two kids later we’re still going strong.
But I do remember the momentous lesson God taught me that day.
Patience is not easily gained. It is a conscious decision to wait well. For most of us, it doesn’t come naturally. It’s a trait that must be practiced over the course of a lifetime.

But the rewards of waiting with patience are priceless. Peace replaces anxiety, trust overtakes worry, and life becomes a much more enjoyable journey.
While this memory is one of my favorites, there have been countless other times God has weaved patience into my faith story. Each time I’ve seen my own character strengthened and watched others benefit.
Waiting with patience is a difficult skill to master. I’ll probably always be a work in progress. But I will never stop working to improve my impatient nature.
I’ve learned an important truth. The rewards of learning to wait well go far beyond receiving a long-awaited telephone call.

Waiting with patience on God’s timing can be difficult. But it’s always worth it! Can you think of a time God delivered better than you asked for after a long wait? Please share in the comments below!
Waiting on God is the hardest thing in the world. I’m almost 40 years old and still alone… I know in my heart God made a promise to me 3 years ago about marriage but it’s nowhere near being fulfilled at this point. it’s so painful. so discouraging. i feel like i’ll never be in a good position for it to happen. thanks for your encouraging blog.
Daniel, I’m so sorry–I’ve been there and I know how painful loneliness can be. There were many times when I questioned whether God would answer my marriage prayers. Waiting was so hard! But, I now have a wonderful husband and three beautiful girls. So, don’t lose hope! God has good plans for you and your future.