I’ll never forget one of the first times it happened.
There was a sparkle in my daughter’s eyes. And her smile lit up the entire room.
The anticipation was written all over her face.
You might have thought we were taking her to Disney World.
Not quite.
But it was time for something pretty special.
A daddy-daughter date.
And even though we weren’t headed to Florida, she was still just about as excited as it gets.

A treasured tradition…
That same scene has replayed itself time and again in our house.
The first date happened when our oldest was around three. Five years later, those days are just as special now as they were then.
Our girls have the ritual down pat. They make sure to pick out the perfect outfit. Then check the mirror to see if their hair is fixed just right.
And they request a spray of Mommy’s special perfume. A privilege reserved for this occasion only.
Ever since a friend gave us the idea of “daddy-daughter dates” several years ago, we’ve done our best to make it one of our family traditions.
The outings are rarely extravagant.
A visit to the local donut shop. An ice cream cone and a trip to the park. A sweet treat from the bakery down the street.
But their excitement on date day is unmatched.
And the impact on their hearts is even greater.
Making daddy-daughter dates actually happen…
My husband works long hours. And his job can be fairly stressful. Add those factors to a lengthy commute and it goes without saying that his time off is precious.
But family time is deeply meaningful to him. So, no matter how tired he is or how long his week has been, he makes it a priority.
I’ve seen him set aside his own to-do list to put my needs first. I’ve watched him play with his kids even when he’s exhausted.
And he’s always found a way to bond with his daughters.
However, when we first began thinking about daddy-daughter dates, we knew it was important to be realistic.
Our plates were full. And we’ve always been very protective of our schedule. We’re careful to keep a balance of busyness that’s healthy for our family.
Yet, we knew this was important. And it deserved a permanent spot on our calendar.
A daddy-daughter date schedule…
So, we decided on a reasonable rotation. A daddy-daughter date would happen once each month. Our girls would take turns for their special day out with dad.
Once we had a plan, we put it into place. And quickly realized an unexpected benefit.
Because we only had two children, these dates allowed each of us one-on-one time with our kids!
So, while my husband was taking one daughter on a date, I stayed home and did something special with the other.
While they definitely looked forward to their “date month,” they also enjoyed the alone time with mom when it wasn’t their turn.
It was a win-win!
Want some amazing father-daughter date ideas? Check out “20 Fun and Simple Daddy-Daughter Date Ideas.”
The benefits of daddy-daughter dates…
Our girls are still very young. I know we most likely won’t see the benefits of the time we’re investing for years to come.
But even now, I can see how those one-on-one moments are shaping their hearts.
They feel valued, loved, and really seen by the most important people in their lives.
And while we both have an important role to play in these monthly dates, my husband’s part is particularly special.
He has the opportunity to instill a sense of worth deep in their souls. They’re witnessing, first-hand, what it looks like to be treated well. To be cherished, honored, and respected.
He’s building up their self-esteem in ways that will benefit them far into their future.
Read more about the importance of the father-daughter relationship in “Dads and Their Daughters.”
An important choice…
While our daughters are still little, we know these days won’t last forever. They’re quickly growing up on us.
And it might be hard to think about, but that little girl of ours will someday have another man come along and steal her heart.
He’ll be the one whisking her away on a much-anticipated date. He will buy her ice cream. Walk beside her. Hold her hand.
Those moments are going to come much sooner than we’d like.
And ultimately the man each of our daughter’s choose is out of our control.
But shaping the morals, values, and views that will help her make that decision are not. The strength and self-confidence that will lead her to choose a man worthy of her heart are being shaped in the here and now.

A future in the making…
There are countless ways we can help prepare our daughters for their future spouse. So many things we can do now to help set the foundation for a rock-solid marriage someday down the road.
And one of the simplest and sweetest may just be those daddy-daughter dates that take place on quiet afternoons of ordinary days.
Days when we’re investing in the future, but reveling in the here and now.
Because for now, that sparkle in their eyes is reserved just for him. That hand held safely in his is still little.
We get the ice cream smiles. And the park bench memories.
Someday we’ll be sitting on the sidelines…watching as those moments are experienced with someone else.
But not yet.
So today, we enjoy the sweet innocence of an afternoon date with daddy. Or a few special hours just with mom.
We cherish every hug and giggle. Pour out as much love as we can.
Knowing these are precious opportunities to instill strength and confidence into the hearts of our little girls.
Hearts that know how to love fiercely. And choose wisely.

Does your family have any special daddy-daughter date traditions? Please share them in the comments below!
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