Hope—it’s one of the most powerful forces on earth.
Some people seem to have more of it than others, but walking through this world without it would be impossible. Especially when life gets hard.
The human spirit’s ability to hope in the midst of hopeless circumstances is a story that never gets old.

The idea of hope is probably one of the reasons spring is such a celebrated time of year. The thought of new life and the opportunity to start fresh can inspire even the most desperate situations.
A large part of the attraction to spring lies in the fact that it follows winter. The sunshine seems warmer, the air fresher, and the budding colors brighter because it’s all in such stark contrast to what came before.
Don’t get me wrong—winter can be beautiful. There are countless things to enjoy about the season.
But it can also be cold, dark, lonely, and can often seem very, very long. My family is emerging from that kind of winter.
A long, cold winter…
We live in the middle of the United States where winter is usually mild compared to many other locations in our country. However, this year has been different.
We’ve had more snow, more ice, and colder temperatures than usual. It started early and is still trying to stick around even as spring has officially arrived.
I usually enjoy the different seasons and the ever-changing weather in our area. But even for me, this winter has grown old.
While it seems endless, we know it can’t hold on for much longer. Eventually the warmer days will win out and winter will be a distant memory.
For us though, this winter has been long in more than just the literal sense.
Read “Choosing Hope for the New Year“ for more on our family’s journey through a difficult season.
Tragedy provides a different perspective…
Our family has experienced loss and heartache that have made the past few months difficult. My father-in-law lost an intense, year long battle with cancer.
We experienced a miscarriage after trying for many months for a third child. We sold our house, but unable to find another home to purchase, had to unexpectedly switch gears and find a small place to temporarily rent.
My husband switched jobs, while at the same time dealing with some serious health issues of his own.
To say the past few months have been challenging would be an understatement.
One of the things I’ve discovered about difficult seasons is their ability to refocus your attention.
The simple becomes important. The overlooked gets recognized.
Losing a family member reminds you to take advantage of every moment you have with those closest to you.
An unexpected end to a pregnancy helps you appreciate the beautiful children you already have.
A different living situation makes you thankful you have options and are more fortunate than most.
Health crises give you new perspective on how truly short and precious life is.
Just like the icy grip of winter makes the warmth of a spring day feel like a tiny miracle, times of great trial help you focus on the truly important things in life.

When life gets hard, hope is essential…
I’ve also learned the necessity of hope in the midst of difficulty.
Hope becomes something you desperately cling to. Without it you are lost in the middle of your crisis, just making it through each day.
You can’t see the end of the season. You feel stuck in the middle of your problems, with no apparent change in sight and no way out.
But one thing holds true about winter—spring will always follow. No matter how long or how cold the winter, it must eventually give way to spring.
It’s a guarantee—always has been, always will be. And therein lies the hope.
Read “12 Verses About Hope to Uplift Your Soul“ for scriptures that will encourage your heart.
The trials can seem overwhelming—especially when you’re right in the middle of them, but they will not last forever.
At times I’ve lost sight of this—the struggle has felt endless. I’ve been unable to see the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel.
Despite all that, my faith has assured me that at some point my situation will change.
The same God who created the seasons to follow each other without fail, assures me that spring will follow my winter.
When life gets hard, his promises remain.
He hasn’t left me or forgotten me. He still has good things in store for my future.
In the middle of a particularly difficult season, that hope is what sees me through.

Hope is essential when life gets hard. Do you have a story of hope in the midst of a difficult season? We would love to hear about it in the comments below.
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