One of my favorite things about young children is their ability to live completely in the moment, without thought of time, totally mesmerized by an experience.
When a child is truly captivated by something, schedules are disregarded, responsibilities don’t matter, and even other people fade into the background.
This can definitely be frustrating for the adults present at the time.
But it’s also an amazing lesson on the simple joys that can be found by embracing a slow paced life.

Through the eyes of a child…
A few years ago, when my girls were around three and one, we were leaving a carnival on a gorgeous summer day.
We were hot and tired. It was way past lunch and naptime should have been well under way already. I’m a stickler for my schedule, so I was completely focused on getting back to the car and getting home as quickly as possible.
I had left the stroller behind that day—one of the first times my toddler had walked such a long distance. We were all worn out, but I did my best to push them along.
Then I heard my oldest daughter cry out, “Mommy! Mommy! Look at the flowers! Can we stop and smell them? Please, please, please!”
In my pursuit to make it to the car before one of us erupted in a full blown, hunger or heat induced tantrum, I hadn’t even noticed the multitude of rose bushes lining the sidewalk.
They were in full bloom and had completely captured my daughters’ attention.
Everything in me wanted to say no and just keep walking. But in a rare moment of spontaneity, I replied, “Sure.”
A moment almost missed…
I watched as they oohed and aahhed over those roses, bending their little heads to experience the sweet smell. I couldn’t help but smile.
In my hurried pace, I had almost missed an opportunity to revel in the simple.
To literally “stop and smell the roses.”
Read “Small Moments That Make Big Memories“ for another inspiring story on making the most of time with your children.
People hurried by on the sidewalk beside us, some headed into the carnival, full of excitement. Others headed home with their own tired little ones in tow.
But not us—for a few moments at least we experienced the wonder of nature that is sometimes best seen through the eyes of a child.
After a few more minutes, I ushered my girls along and the roses were quickly forgotten.
But I’ve often thought about that day.

Living a slow paced life…
Beauty is all around us. It can be seen most easily within nature, but it exists in so many other ways.
The unique design of a building, an exceptional art piece, the tiny hand of a newborn, or the kindness of a stranger. The list could go on and on.
So often I miss it because I’m rushed, tired, or distracted. That doesn’t change the fact that it’s still there—waiting for me to notice and appreciate the amazing within the simple.
Unfortunately, life doesn’t afford us the luxury to sit around all day smelling roses. We are adults, after all.
We have real jobs, deadlines that have to be met, and responsibilities that demand our attention.
But regardless of all that, I can’t help but think that life would be a whole lot sweeter if we stopped along the way to smell a rose or two.

There are so many benefits to living a slow paced life. Do you have a “stop and smell the roses” moment? Please share in the comments below!
Very beautiful!!!
Thank you Marketa!