There were two things I learned pretty quickly after becoming a mom.
Parenting is hard. Harder than I’d ever imagined.
And there’s never a lack of advice on the topic. Everyone has an opinion…from your own parents, to your best friend, to a stranger at the grocery store.
To be honest, I appreciate most of the tips and tricks handed out by all those well-meaning people. God never intended for us to do this alone.
But raising children is one of the most important things we’ll ever do. So, what expert parenting resources can be trusted to help us do it right?

More than seven years and two children later, I’m still always on the lookout for great parenting advice. But, I’ve also discovered a few resources that I return to time and again.
These people and organizations have influenced our family life in more ways than I can count. They’ve shaped our parenting approach and provided much needed-guidance on many topics.
So, it you’re looking for positive parenting help, inspiration, or information…look no further. You’re in the right place!

Five of my favorite parenting resources…
Faithful Parenting
Solutions and support for moms faithfully committed to their children and family!
We exist to equip the mother who wants nothing more than to connect meaningfully with her children and provide them with a solid foundation for a successful and fulfilling life.
Faithful Parenting
If you only use one parenting resource, this should be it. Shelley, the founder of Faithful Parenting, provides high quality, positive, and effective parenting help on countless topics from infancy through the pre-teen years.
She teaches you how to train, connect with, and discipline your children through a Christian worldview with practical advice that really works! Implementing her parenting philosophy will forever change your family–for the better.
Not only is Shelley my go-to resource for all things parenting, she’s also a very close friend. I can vouch for her rock-solid character. I’ve witnessed her high standard of integrity. And I know her heart.
She has an amazing gift for parenting, leading, coaching, and mentoring. And I can guarantee–there’s no one better to teach you how to raise amazing kids!
On Faithful Parenting, you’ll find countless articles on multiple parenting topics, free printables, workbooks, toolkits, and even parenting courses.
If you haven’t already discovered Faithful Parenting, be sure to check it out. You’ll be glad you did.
Focus on the Family
Helping Families Thrive.
Our mission is to cooperate with the Holy Spirit in sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with as many people as possible by nurturing and defending the God-ordained institution of the family and promoting biblical truths worldwide.
Focus on the Family
Focus on the Family was founded in 1977 and is now a well-known organization supporting Christian families.
The offer a variety of parenting resources including articles on various parenting topics, the Focus on Parenting Podcast, and Focus on the Family Magazine.
They also have a variety of resources for kids including free printables, magazines, and an award-winning audio drama series.
I’ve personally used Focus on the Family to find reliable movie reviews, books on marriage and parenting, and radio programs on multiple different topics.
Family Life
Help for today. Hope for tomorrow.
Our mission is to effectively develop godly marriages and families who change the world one home at a time.
Family Life
Family life was founded in 1976 as a ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ. And they’ve been growing ever since.
They offer articles on many different parenting topics. Their Art of Parenting course can be a small group study or online digital experience.
They host the Family Life Today podcast and even have a ministry for blended families.
My husband and I have attended multiple events hosted by Family Life. We’ve always been impressed by the quality of their content and their inspirational message.
Also, I receive their weekly emails and never fail to be encouraged by their insight into family life.
Loving on Purpose
Your path to healthy relationships.
We are passionate about equipping people to create a powerful relational legacy for future generations in their homes, organizations, and communities.
Loving on Purpose
Loving on Purpose was founded by Danny Silk. Their goal is to equip others with the skills and tools they’ve acquired over decades of experience with families.
Loving on Purpose offers a blog with information on multiple topics, a podcast, family coaching, and online courses.
I was first introduced to Danny Silk when my husband and I participated in a workshop based on his book, Loving Our Kids on Purpose. It quickly became one of my favorite parenting resources.
This book completely redefined my views on family relationships and discipline. It’s a must read for any parent!
The Power of a Praying Parent
I hope to inspire people to depend on God to help them establish and preserve strong family bonds and see themselves, their families, their marriages, and their relationships transformed.
Stormie Omartian
Stormie Omartian is the bestselling author of the Power of Praying series. Her book have sold millions of copies. She helps people all over the world through sharing personal experiences and life lessons.
Stormie’s books have been an invaluable resource in my own marriage and parenting journey. My personal copies of The Power of a Praying Parent and The Power of a Praying Wife are well-worn from many years of use.
The Power of a Praying Parent is organized by topic, which allows you to easily find the right information for your current situation. In each chapter, Stormie ties the content to a personal story and provides insight for relating that content to your own children.
She ends each chapter with bible verses and a specific prayer that you can easily customize for your own child. I’ve used those prayers as a guide countless times when praying for my children.
The Power of Praying series is my number one prayer resource.
Want more great information? Check out these “Five Amazing Marriage Resources.”

Parenting is hard, but you’re not alone…
Parenting is a hard job. Perhaps the most challenging responsibility you’ll ever have. But it also brings joy and fulfillment untouched by any other life experience.
Parents have the honor and privilege to shape the next generation. To know a love more powerful than words. And to leave a legacy that reaches far beyond the walls of their own home.
That important task cannot be tackled alone.
These fantastic parenting resources provide help in all areas of family life. They reflect decades of experience, God-given wisdom, and well thought-out, practical teachings.
Raising great kids may be challenging, but it’s certainly not impossible.
So, let’s get to work investing in our children. Children that will carry on strong family legacies for generations.

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