Waiting is hard. And few of us are good at it.
Whether it’s standing in line at the grocery store or waiting for answered prayer, most people wouldn’t list waiting as something they enjoy.
But the benefits of waiting upon the Lord are numerous. In fact, they can be life-changing…if you keep the right perspective.
Five benefits of waiting upon the Lord…
Most people would probably agree that practicing patience is a necessary and important skill. Yet a good majority of us would also say it’s easier said than done!
It’s common to get distracted during seasons of waiting. To become impatient or discouraged and forget that God is still at work in your situation.
But, if you allow those feelings to take over, you might miss the valuable lessons that God is teaching you in the moment. Because He often uses seasons of waiting as a powerful tool to grow our character.
So, how do you stay focused on the benefits of waiting upon the Lord? Here’s five specific reminders that can help keep your heart right through a season of waiting.
Your faith will be strengthened.
Few things are more powerful than seeing God answer big prayers. And there’s something about waiting for those prayers that makes the answer even more significant.
Sometimes we never know why God asks us to wait. But often, we get the opportunity to look back and clearly understand that His timing was perfect.
We’re able to see how He orchestrated everything together in ways only He can. And even though the waiting isn’t easy, it’s evident that He worked the situation out for our good and His glory.
Those experiences strengthen our faith in ways that quick answers to prayer never will.

You grow closer to God.
It’s pretty common for people to draw close to God when they’re searching for answers and help. And God uses those hard times to lead people into some of the most fruitful faith seasons they’ll ever experience.
However, the choice to walk that path is up to you.
If you allow bitterness, doubt, and frustration to take over while you’re waiting on God, you may end up pulling away from Him! But, if you choose to trust His plan regardless of your situation, He’ll draw closer than ever. And His comfort, peace, and love will see you through whatever challenge you’re facing.
So, if you’re waiting on God to answer a prayer, seek Him more. Spend more time in the Word and in prayer. Worship often and gather with other believers whenever you can.
You still may not receive an immediate answer to prayer. But you’re guaranteed to grow closer to God while you wait.
And you may just discover that to be one of the biggest benefits of waiting upon the Lord.
(Find scriptures to encourage you while you wait on God’s timing here.)
You get better than what you asked for.
How many times does God say “wait” because He has something better planned than what we’re currently asking for? It’s definitely happened to me! (Check out that story here.)
We often think we know what’s best in any given situation. So, we tend to jump in with both feet-and can miss Him timing completely.
But if we resist that urge, we may discover God’s in the process of preparing a blessing that will knock our socks off. One we may never receive if we get in a hurry and forge ahead without Him.
Only God can see the bigger picture. He knows what we’re asking for right now isn’t the best He has to offer.
And He has something far better planned for our future.
You appreciate answered prayer more.
Something about waiting makes the end result of pretty much anything that much sweeter.
We see that happen with simple things, like disciplined eating habits. You enjoy that bowl of ice cream or chunk of chocolate much more when you’ve been waiting all week for it!
And we can watch that same concept play out on a bigger scale.
A long-awaited vacation is priceless because of how long it’s been since you’ve gotten away. Waiting years for a precious baby allows you to see parenthood through different eyes. Saving and working hard for your dream home makes you appreciate it even more.
The fondness for something gained easily can fade as quickly as it appears. But waiting cultivates a spirit of gratefulness and appreciation that sticks around much longer.
(Read this sweet story on answered prayer for another reminder of the benefits of waiting upon the Lord.)
You learn contentment and gain peace.
Learning to be content while waiting is extremely challenging. But the peace that comes when you figure out how to wait well is unmatched.
Releasing control of your situation and giving it to God lifts a huge burden off your shoulders. And understanding and accepting that His timing is rarely the same as yours allows you to leave that burden with Him.
Take comfort knowing He hears all prayers. And answers them according to what is best in each situation. While that may not look like you hope or happen when you think it should, resting in the knowledge that He knows best brings true and lasting peace.
(Learn more about how to wait well here.)
A life-long blessing…
Learning to wait is a skill we all need. From the toddler stage to older adulthood…we’re always waiting for something.
And we have two options.
We can battle impatience our entire lives, constantly experiencing feelings of anxiety, frustration, and stress.
Or we can learn to wait well and receive all the benefits of waiting upon the Lord.
The choice is up to us.
I’ve chosen the latter. And I hope you do too.
Because I know how much better life will be if you do.
But let me sign off with one final reminder…learning how to wait on God is a process. It doesn’t happen overnight or with a snap of your fingers.
Waiting with patience has to be developed over time and experience.
Time that sometimes seems to stand still. And experiences that are far from easy.
But it’s also a choice you’ll never regret. Because the blessings you’ll receive will always be well worth the wait.

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