Life changes in countless ways when you become a mom. Daily schedules, the appearance of the house, and the amount of time spent sleeping are just a few things that look completely different after having kids.
Unfortunately, our bodies are no exception.
While literally growing life inside you is a miracle that never gets old, it can’t be denied that a post baby body also does a number on your figure.
A post baby body changes things…
I was fortunate as a young adult to not worry much about my weight. I had a fairly high metabolism and while I had other insecurities about my body (as most women do), my weight never fell into that category.
Then I turned 30 and had two babies within a little over two years. The combination of entering middle adulthood and two pregnancies in a short amount of time, caused the pounds to add up.
When I finished nursing our second baby, I knew it would be awhile before we tried for a third. I decided if I had any hope of losing the extra weight that another pregnancy close to the age of 40 would bring, I’d better shed some pounds now.
Read about my pregnancy and postpartum journey at age 40 in “Healthy Mom and Baby: The Key to Postpartum Success.”
The journey back wasn’t quite what I expected…
I knew losing the extra weight and getting into shape would be challenging, but I wasn’t prepared for what came next!
I’d always stayed consistent with some type of physical fitness routine, so I decided to simply up my game.
Instead of doing random activities that I’d watched my husband or others at the gym perform (which had always been my routine in the past), I started working out more seriously. I searched for videos on YouTube that targeted cardio and strength.
Even though I made sure to exercise three days a week and tried to challenge myself with each new video, I saw little change after the first few months. The scales seemed to laugh at me, the needle always resting in the same spot.
I became frustrated with the process. You see, I REALLY don’t enjoy exercising and the fact that it wasn’t bringing results did nothing for my motivation.
An unwelcome challenge…
My husband saw my discouragement and stepped in with some much-needed advice. He applauded my three days a week commitment.
Then he informed me that to see noticeable change I needed to put in at least four weekly workouts. He also said I should combine the exercise routines with a change in my eating habits.
To be honest, this wasn’t what I wanted to hear. I already dreaded each workout session, so to think about adding one more each week sounded like torture.
On top of that, the suggestion of changing my diet made the whole process seem overwhelming. I was pretty sure I’d have to give up two of my staples—carbs and chocolate.
I wasn’t too happy about that!
On the other hand, my husband is fairly knowledgeable in the areas of health and fitness, so I bit the bullet and took his advice.
A new plan…
I set a goal weight for myself and increased my workouts to four days each week. Then, I took a good, hard look at my diet.
I realized the issue wasn’t what I was eating. In fact, I chose decently healthy foods and was fairly disciplined with sweets and sugar.
It was my portion sizes that were the problem. I was eating too much and too often.
So, I downloaded an app on my phone and started monitoring my calories. I won’t lie—at first it was very difficult. I was hungry ALL THE TIME.
And the pounds didn’t just start magically disappearing when I began my new plan. But I dug in my heels and refused to give up.
Check out my resource, “Practical Habits for a Healthy Mom Lifestyle“ for useful tips on getting your post baby body back in shape.
It took some time, but as my body became used to consuming less food, the smaller portions began to fill me up.
I started to see results and I began to lose a pound or two each month. It wasn’t a lot, but it was enough to keep me motivated.
I stayed consistent through the holidays (which was hard) and by the time spring rolled around, the scales were no longer my enemy.
I had lost 20 pounds, which put me below the goal weight I had originally set.
It had taken almost a year, many painful workouts, and much less chocolate, but the hard work had payed off.
A reality check…
One day around that time, my girls were in the bathroom with me while I was getting ready. As often happens with five-year-olds, my daughter was full of questions.
She pointed at my hips and said, “What are those things sticking way out there?” I answered her question, thinking to myself—they don’t stick out THAT far.
She then patted my tummy and said, “Your belly is big. Really big. There must be a baby in there or you must eat really good.”
All those months of exercising when it was the last thing I wanted to do, drinking water when I felt like I was starving, eating half a portion when I could have chowed down on a whole plate.
All of that and my daughter thought I looked pregnant! In that moment I just looked down at her and laughed.
The truth was, my body had experienced two pregnancies, two deliveries, and two nursing babies. No amount of intense workout videos or calorie counting apps could change that.
Nor would I want them to.
I ended up losing an additional five pounds and have been able to maintain that weight ever since. While I’m proud of my accomplishments, I also know, as my daughter so bluntly pointed out, my post baby body will never again look like my 25 year-old-self.
And I’m okay with that.

A Post baby body to be proud of…
I have two beautiful children and have lived over a decade of life since then. Yes, motherhood has changed my outer appearance in ways most of the world would view as negative.
But that sacrifice is one I’d give time and again. Because being a mom has also made me wiser, stronger, and more in tune with myself.
It’s given me an opportunity to love in a way I never imagined possible. It’s shown me the truly important things in life reach far beyond the superficial.
So, while my post baby body may not be perfect, I choose to wear it proudly like the badge of honor that it really is.

Most moms would agree the blessing of motherhood is well worth every extra pound, stretch mark, or change in dress size. But moms also know the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Do you have any tips for staying in shape and keeping a positive self-image with a post baby body? Please share in the comments below!
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