There’s something almost magical about a daughter’s perception of her father.
Maybe it’s because most little girls love a great fairy tale, eager to see the prince win the princess and save the kingdom. For those girls, daddy is the first man to steal their hearts.
Dads and their daughters have a unique relationship—he’s bigger than life to her. He’s capable of moving mountains and stronger than any problem she encounters.
He’s a powerful force that can overcome all the obstacles life throws her way.

A sacrifice made…
I glimpsed this concept in action very clearly one day shortly after our oldest daughter turned three. We were coming inside from the garage and I turned around to see her staring at the old truck parked beside our car.
My grandmother had gifted us the 1985 Ford Ranger and we were extremely grateful for her generosity. It allowed my husband to tackle chores he simply couldn’t accomplish otherwise—haul away yard waste, move large objects, or pull a trailer.
And while it had been kept in great shape, it was a far cry from the newer, bigger trucks of my husband’s past. It was beginning to show its age with rust along the bottom and scratches in the paint.
Since becoming parents, my husband and I had both made many sacrifices, but perhaps the greatest one for him was the loss of a nice truck.
He has a deep love for vehicles ingrained in him since childhood. His own father and step-dad had collected and restored various cars throughout his growing up years.
He had grown accustomed to being around quality automotives. In his single days, he was never without a fast car or the latest truck.
Since becoming a father, he had given up the expensive rides for more reasonable, affordable choices. He took it all in stride, knowing he was making wise decisions for his family.
But, he still felt a little lost without a truck to drive.
through the eyes of a daughter…
On that day our three-year-old daughter didn’t see any of that.
She had no other vehicle to compare with this truck. She sighed a bit and looked it over with loving eyes. Then she said, “Isn’t daddy’s truck beautiful?”
I stopped in my tracks and looked back at her standing beside the beaten-up old treasure. I couldn’t help but chuckle.
There weren’t many people in this world that would agree with her assessment. The manual windows, AM only radio, and small frame were nothing to write home about.
But all she saw was that it belonged to her dad. None of the other stuff mattered.
It was beautiful because it was his.
Find out how to win your daughter’s heart in “The Value of Daddy-Daughter Dates.”
THe power of dad…
Dads have that effect on their children. When it comes to their father, my girls think nothing is impossible.
If I can’t open a jar or fix a broken toy, they assure me that dad will take care of it. When I even hint that I’m unsure of how to get our car to the current destination, they tell me to call daddy (or ask Siri).
This idea that dad is their knight in shining armor is something I’ve nurtured since they were old enough to listen. I intentionally let them overhear me complimenting my husband.
I try to talk often about his many good traits and remind them of all the ways he has come to their rescue in the past. I’ve encouraged the high view they have of their father because I believe in the power of their relationship with him.
Read more about the power of investing in your children in “Time Well Spent.”
dads and their daughters share an irreplaceable bond…
My husband will be the first to admit he isn’t perfect and makes many mistakes along the way. But he recognizes the significance of the relationship between dads and their daughters.
And he knows the importance of that part of his parenting job.
He’s teaching our girls they are valuable and worthy of being cherished. He’s laying the foundation for a strong self-image that will give them clarity when choosing future relationships.

Our girls see their father as their biggest fan and greatest ally. In an ever-changing and sometimes scary world, they are confident in his ability to protect and provide for them.
And while he still doesn’t have a new truck (even the Ranger has long since went away), he might as well ride home each evening on a white horse, complete with sword and shield.
He is their fairy tale.
We both know that all too quickly, another man will come along and sweep them each off their feet. And we hope that seeing the example their dad has set for decades will help them choose well.
But right now we relish in the moments we have, when daddy is the only prince they need.

Dads and their daughters can have a special bond that enriches the lives of both people. Do you have a special father-daughter story? We’d love to hear it! Please share in the comments below.
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