The words rest and mom don’t seem to be heard in the same sentence together all that often.
The title of mom includes so many other responsibilities—chef, nurse, teacher, accountant, chauffeur, cheerleader…the list goes on and on.
Moms are simply amazing.
Their ability to manage an entire family in today’s fast-paced culture is nothing short of miraculous. Yet, there’s one thing that moms (at least this one) don’t seem to have down quite so well—the importance of rest.

Whether it stems from guilt over relaxing when there’s so many things to do (raising my hand here) or fear of not getting everything done (yep, me again), a lot of moms don’t seem to know when to call it quits.
A list that’s never done…
From my own experiences in motherhood, it seems my to-do list is never-ending. I get a dozen items checked off and immediately have ten more that need to be added.
For a Type A personality like myself, that’s enough to drive me crazy! I thrive on accomplishing tasks and since moms always have a task to do, I simply don’t have the time to rest.
Or so I think.
I’ve discovered that no matter how important I think my different responsibilities are or how much I dislike the feeling of being unproductive, making sure I take time to rest is essential for my emotional and physical health.
As cliché as it sounds, our bodies aren’t designed for “all work and no play.” I have to allow myself time to recharge and refocus or I simply won’t be able to fully enjoy my life.
An example on the importance of rest…
I’ve learned the importance of rest for my mind and body from watching my husband. He’s also a very goal-oriented and task driven person.
Unlike myself, however, he has learned how to master the art of rest. He’s discovered a healthy balance between work and play and is diligent in making sure he gets enough of both.
He knows when to push hard and just get it done and when it’s time to stop and take a break. His constant example and encouragement for me to do the same have caused me to check myself more times than I can count.
Recently I had one of those moments of self-evaluation and realized the tendency to overwork myself had crept into the one day of the week our family has set aside to rest.
Read “Discovering the Benefits of Self-Care“ for inspiration on balancing work and rest.
A day forgotten…
Since we first got married, my husband and I have committed to Sundays as days of relaxation and family time. It’s not a new idea—we took it straight out of the Bible and families have been doing it for centuries.
Yet somehow over the course of time, I had lost sight of the significance of that day. It had become a time to “catch-up” on any tasks I hadn’t been able to finish during the week.
I found myself folding laundry, paying bills, and completing paperwork just like I would do any other day. I had chosen to forget that my Creator, the One who so effortlessly designed the human body, also built in time each week for it to rest.
And I was paying the price for that oversight—I felt more stressed and overwhelmed because I never had a chance to step away from it all.
So I made a decision to be strategic in taking my Sundays back.

A new plan…
First, I told my husband about my struggles. He agreed to help our family refocus on the importance of rest.
We decided I would plan easy meals for Sunday evenings. Pizza, sandwiches, a simple breakfast for dinner, or anything else that required little effort and time were all menu options.
We also told our girls they were exempt from doing their nightly chore on Sundays. (They of course, love this, but it’s also a been a great way to teach them the balance of work and rest.)
We began the tradition of family game night every Sunday evening and a special movie night once a month.
I plan my week so that all my chores will be completed by Saturday night. And if something unexpected interferes with my schedule (as it often does) and I don’t get everything done, I refuse the temptation to finish it on Sunday.
Check out my resource “12 Tips to Make a Family Sabbath Possible“ for how to include a day of rest in your family’s schedule.
At first, this was ridiculously hard for me. I SO wanted to just unload the dishwasher or fold that last load of laundry.
I loathed sitting still through a Sunday afternoon, when there were so many things clamoring for my attention. And to be completely honest, there are still times when I give in and do a chore here and there.
But for the most part, I’ve stayed true to my plan.
The benefits of rest…
Much to my surprise, I’ve found freedom in the rest. Instead of dreading an afternoon with nothing to do, I actually look forward to our Sundays.
I work harder throughout the week, knowing there’s one day coming when nothing will be expected or required. I’ve learned to appreciate the discipline of slowing down and allowing my body and mind to recharge.
When I’m diligent and consistent in balancing work and rest, my quality of life improves. My stress levels decrease and my joy increases.
For those of us who are “doers,” learning the art of rest is not easy.
But God does nothing without reason. There is always purpose behind His plan. He knows what is essential for us to live our best life.
We all need to make the time for rest. Even moms.

How do you incorporate time for rest and relaxation into your busy schedule? I would love to hear your ideas! Please share in the comments below.
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