Welcome to Selah Home.
Hello there! I’m Stacy, founder and creator of Selah Home. Thanks for stopping by to learn a little more about my little corner of the Internet. I’m so glad you’re here!
A few details about me…
I’m a Jesus follower, wife to an amazing husband, and mom of three precious girls. Our family of five lives in the middle of the United States with big dreams of owning land someday.
I enjoy spending time with family and friends, eating chocolate, being outdoors, and watching my favorite television shows. I also love a great story.

The power of story…
In fact, don’t most of us enjoy watching a really good story unfold?
It’s one of the reasons why the box office rakes in billions every year and why a song can speak to your soul. It’s what makes television shows draw us back each week and a good book almost impossible to put down.
The best stories are honored with prestigious awards or elevated to top ten lists. Stories can move us to tears or to action. They can spark a new beginning or encourage us to finish well.
But the really great stories change us.
They make us think, evolve, and grow. They hold the ability to inspire, encourage, and motivate.
Those stories have power beyond their words. Selah Home was built around that idea of the life-giving power in story.
The beginning of Selah Home…
Long before a website was created, the seeds for Selah Home began with my own journey in marriage and parenting. I’ve always been a focused, goal-driven, perfectionist–a bit of a type-A personality.
Basically, I love my to-do list and thrive on getting things done! These are all great traits and much of what I’ve accomplished in life stems from how I’m wired.
But, after I became married (and especially when we started a family) I began to realize those same strengths that enabled me to achieve my goals were also interfering with my ability to enjoy my husband and my kids.
I was so busy pushing myself towards the next best thing that I was missing the life unfolding right in front of me.
It didn’t happen in a moment of revelation. But I came to the understanding that if something didn’t change, my own family’s story would be written without me.
My children would be grown and gone before I could blink. And with every fiber of my being, I wanted to be able to look back with no regrets. To know I had fully experienced every moment of their childhood.
Inspiring the heart of moms…
This world is busy at best, chaotic at its worst. There’s a constant pressure to keep up with status quo and this underlying mantra to always be on the go.
But the truly precious things in life can easily be overlooked when we’re constantly on the run.
I knew I wanted to richly experience my life. I realized that meant I had to learn how to stop and take in each moment as it was happening.
I’ve far from perfected this, but every day–failure or success–is a step in that direction.
Selah Home is simply a collection of stories about my journey and resources I’ve discovered along the way.
I tell stories about family. And marriage, kids, faith, and well, just life in general.
Stories designed to inspire the heart of moms.
Stories written with you in mind.
So, curl up in your favorite easy chair with a morning cup of coffee or on the back deck in the midst of a quiet evening. Or maybe in the middle of the day surrounded by chaos!
Wherever you are or however I happen upon you, I hope you find these stories uplifting and encouraging.
I hope they resonate with you, inspire your family life, and that you come back to visit me again.
Most of all, I hope that somehow my story can connect to yours. And that Selah Home can be a place where you find inspiration and encouragement as you write your own family’s story.
Every mom is on a journey to write the best possible story for her family…
The meaning of the word Selah is unknown, but most scholars seem to agree it’s some kind of musical term. There are countless different opinions on the definition of the word, but my favorite comes from the amplified version of the Bible.
It says, “to pause and calmly think about that.”
Parenting is hard. Life can be challenging. It’s easy to lose focus and become consumed by the fast pace of our culture.
But raising a family is one of the most beautiful and rewarding things life has to offer.
In the midst of this world that pulls us in a million different directions, I want to be able to “pause and reflect” often on the blessing of my family and our unique story. It’s my hope that Selah Home will inspire you to do the same.
We only get one lifetime to write the best possible story for our family.