There’s no way around it. Things aren’t going to be the same this year.
It’s going to be a different Christmas. We’ll be missing a tradition that’s been present since our family began eleven years ago.
Actually, for me it’s a ritual that dates back to childhood…a live Christmas tree.

But this year our tree will come out of a box instead of a field. There won’t be an adventurous journey to pick the best one. We won’t sift through countless trees before finally agreeing on the perfect choice.
The sweet smell of pine filling the house. Those soft green needles twinkling in the lights. The cozy sight of branches filled with precious ornaments and memories.
It’s something that even the best artificial tree could never replicate.
And this year we’ll go without it.
A long-standing tradition…
I’ve been accustomed to a live Christmas tree since I was a little girl.
Having a real, honest-to-goodness tree each year was a staple when I was growing up. And it stayed that way until my brother met his future wife.
She was allergic to real trees. So, my parents wisely traded in their tradition for something a more friendly to the nose.
I completely understood the need for the change. But I was still a bit sad.
Newly out on my own that year, I decided to pick up where my parents left off. So, that holiday season I picked out my own live Christmas tree.
It was smaller than the ones from my childhood. But I still proudly brought it home.
I drug it up three flights of stairs and somehow righted it within a tree stand. Then I turned that modest apartment into a Christmas wonderland. Complete with a beautiful, live Christmas tree.
And so, the tradition would stand for nearly 20 more years.
A family affair…
My husband didn’t have the same long tradition of live Christmas trees. In fact, his allergies are so severe that he’d always opted for artificial decorations.
But he could see how much this holiday symbol meant to me. So, on our very first Christmas together, he agreed to give it a try.
And for several years after that, we had ourselves a live tree. It did cause his allergies to flare up…some years more than others.
But he quickly began to fall in love with the tradition too. Especially when we had children and they joined in the fun. The annual trip to find the perfect tree became one of our favorite holiday moments.
Every Christmas, we tossed around the ideas of hanging it all up and buying an artificial tree. Mostly for my husband’s sake.
But we just couldn’t seem to let it go.
Until recently.
A different Christmas for our family…
This year my husband was diagnosed with an allergy-related disease. It’s a highly technical condition that’s described with a lot of big words and medical jargon. But simply put, it’s changed our life in several different ways.
One of those changes will be the absence of a live Christmas tree.
So, after 11 years of marriage, we’ll say goodbye to one of our favorite traditions. At almost 40 years old, I’ll let go of a memento that’s been a part of my Christmas season for decades.
We’re sad about it to be sure. We have so many wonderful memories that revolve around this special ritual.
And a few funny ones as well.
Like the year we brought home a tree too tall for our living room. And then realized we didn’t have a saw to make it shorter.
So , we had to drive back to the seller and have them do the cutting. Only to return and find it was still too big!
Back we went again. But a little more embarrassed this time.
Or the year we picked out a tree in sub-zero temperatures. Barely able to see the choices through our layers of hats and gloves. We made a quick decision that time!
Then, there’s the memories that still warm our hearts.
A picture of our oldest in her daddy’s arms, picking out her very first Christmas tree.
The kind man last year who made our girls mini Christmas trees of their own from the fresh cut and extra trimming pieces.
So many emotions wrapped up in one simple tradition. It was hard to let go.
But the loss also comes with perspective.
A different Christmas for many…
We’re not the only ones facing changes this holiday season. In fact, it’s a different Christmas for most people. And not because of a Christmas tree.
Christmas in the middle of a pandemic just isn’t the same.
Shopping for the perfect gifts while wearing a mask and social distancing takes away a little bit of the magic.
Attending Christmas Eve services that look and feel completely different steals some of that holiday joy.
Family celebrations limited. Loved ones missing.
Or maybe, no gathering at all.
It seems impossible to create a Christmas with all our favorite traditions.
Read more about finding true joy this holiday season in “A Simple Christmas.”
A shift in perspective…
Yet, as I think about all the ways Christmas will change this year, I’m reminded of one thing that hasn’t.
The reason for our celebration.
Even the worst year we’ve seen in a long time can’t erase the true meaning of Christmas.
A tiny baby born over 2000 years ago. One moment that would forever change the course of history. A divine intervention that set the stage for the greatest rescue of all time.
It’s a day so important that it literally reset our calendar. And it’s an event that definitely deserves a whole lot of celebration.
But all the festivities in the world won’t make it any more special than it already is.
The most beautiful Christmas tree. The perfect present. A gorgeously decorated home. A delicious spread of food and treats.
Even the joy of just being together.
None of it holds a candle to the miracle of that baby in the manger.
And along those same lines…the loss of it all can’t take away what He did for us.

The true joy of Christmas…
So yes. We’ll have to wrap our minds around a different Christmas this year. And that’s not easy.
Because traditions are wonderful. They strengthen family bonds. They provide a deep sense of belonging. Memories are created that our children will cherish for years to come.
And if we’ve learned anything this year, we know those traditions should never be taken for granted. They can all too easily be stripped away.
But let’s refuse to allow these changes to steal the joy from this holiday season. Because that joy isn’t found in any tradition.
It rests in one single word.
Light of the World. Savior. Redeemer.
Wonderful Counselor. Prince of Peace.
Immanuel. God with us.
In the middle of a completely different Christmas than any we’ve ever experienced, let’s hold tightly to the One who never changes.
And let Him remind us of all that is still beautiful and good this holiday season.

Have you experienced a different Christmas? How are you still finding joy and creating memories? Please share in the comments below!
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